Vector Art part 3

Part 3 is about the sorceress escaping into a new dimension, starting a new life with the baby.

I drew two sketches before creating my vector art.

So in this first scene,  it continues with the previous chapter, the couple that gave birth to the baby had been cast with a spell that turns them into stones for eternity. In order to show the difference between the two dimension going, I choose a dark tone (near to colourless) for the sad part while the new dimension in a vibrant colour. As they entered the new dimension, a trail lightens in yellow light shows up, indicating their next destination. 

In the last scene, the sorceress reached her destination. A tower located in the middle of nowhere was as high as the sky. Only with a window up high. There she named the baby after Rapunzel and live their life until that one day, someone will find out this place and rescue Rapunzel and revert the spell that cast on her parents. 

And Here Are My Final Work 
Vector Style

The first scene 

The last scene


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