project proposal - 1. narrating

 Recreating environment conceptual art

from the story of 


I'm going to readapt the story of Rapunzel from the Brothers Grimm into my own version.

The particular section of the story that I'm going to picture is when Rapunzel was locked in the tower that was located far far away.
The abstract story goes like this:
The witch took the couple’s firstborn child and lock her up some in a tower where nobody could find her. “When Rapunzel was twelve years old, the sorceress locked her in a tower that was in a forest. It had neither door nor stairs, only a little window high above.” (Zipes, 2007)

However, in my vision, the reason why nobody could find her is that the sorceress had opened a portal in the middle of the forest that leads her to her utopian world. She was the only person who could open up the portal and of course Rapunzel’s true love, The Prince!

Now I'm going to discuss the setting. Firstly the timeline is going to be divided into two, one is the 18th century and 13th century with the adaption of Germany. The reason I chose this two time period because the 18th century was the period where witches were highly hunted down due to the Victorian era. However, the 13th century was the beginning of witchcraft. 

My Story:

In a land far far away, lives a loving couple that long to had a child as a companion. One night, the husband dreamt of a magical garden that was planted by the witch that lives next door. he was told that once the wife ate the smallest lettuce Rapunzel, she will be pregnant.
Desperate for it, the husband immediately woke up from his dream and sneak into the garden, stole the lettuce and went home. After the wife had eaten the magical lettuce, the miracle happens, she's finally pregnant!

9 months have passed, their beautiful daughter was born. But happy time does not last, the sky suddenly turned gloom. the whole house started to tremble. Sinister laughter gets closer and closer and suddenly appears in front of the new family. The witch summons them to hand in their daughter as the wife has eaten the only lettuce that could give eternal life and power to the witch. The couple rejected the witch's offer, leaving no choice, the witch cast a spell on them, turning the whole place into stone except their daughter. The witch took the child and went out just to find surrounded by a group of angry villagers. A portal was open above the witch and stuck both of them into a new dimension.

It was a peaceful place surrounded by the beauty of mother nature. There erect an abandoned old tower covered by veins. The Witch cast a spell on the tower, leaving it accessible only through a small window up on the tower.

From that day onwards, the witch stayed there with the child. she named her Rapunzel.


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